FAQ... otherwise known as "You're doing WHAT exactly?"

Alrighty, here goes. Don't quote me on any of this, by the way... I have no clue what I'm talking about.

Q: Where are you going?
A: Australia!! (so excited!! can you tell?)

Q: DUH. I mean where in Australia.
A: Oh. Right. Well, more specifically, my boyfriend and I are landing in Melbourne and the tentative plan is to stay for a few months and then head to another city (likely Sydney, and then we'll just move on up the Gold Coast).

Q: Will you be working? Or is this more of an extended vacation?
A: We will be able to work legally (hooray to my mum for being Canadian) because both Australia and Canada, being commonwealth countries, offer easily accessible temporary work visas. You can work a maximum of 6 months for an employer, but are not limited to the number of jobs you can have. The idea is to work and play! I'll keep you posted on how successful this mission is in reality.

Q: How long are we going for?
A: Well the work visas are valid for a year, with the possibility of extending them another year if we meet certain criteria. So... a year? Or two? Or a two months if we can't find jobs and run out of food and money and steam? Trust me, you'll be among the first to know.

Q: Do we have jobs?
A: Ha! No.

Q: Do we have places to stay?
A: Um.. not as of right now, no.

Q: Have we bonked our heads and gone insane?
A: This is highly likely.

Q: Hmm... Ok, but you guys will probably be fine because you have been in a long-term relationship and know how to live with one another?
A: Yes... And no. We're been together for a couple years but we've... umm... never lived... umm... in the same house for more than two weeks.

Q: ...
A: ...

Q: So, you've never lived together and have both--and I'm assuming no major head injuries here--decided to attempt to do so 10,182 miles away from home?
A: Yes.

Q: So, this means one of you is likely going to strangle the other, right?
A: Yes.

This shall be interesting!

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