G'day Mate! (A Short Update)

Ok. So. I had FULLY intended to post frequent (dare I say daily?) updates as Curtis and I set off to trek about the Australian continent. Little did I know there would be no internet until now (or phone signal for that matter). And there is noooo way I can sum up the past 10 days in one post, especially seeing as we have to be up again in 5 hours to hop on a bus heading to Darwin. Hooray for 4am wake-up calls...

At the moment we are in Alice Springs, a beautiful, weird town, smack dab in the middle of Australia. The Outback dirt is rusty red and the sky is bigger than I have ever seen. I could stay for a long, long time. But alas, we journey North tomorrow.

Out of all the (over 2,700) photos I've taken in the past few weeks, this brings back one of my most favorite memories. I can still feel her soft, silky fur in my hands, and her tiny kangaroo breath on my face as she kissed me goodbye. Meet baby Francesca:

In other animal news, I now hate llamas. ALL I wanted to do was say hello. And then this furry monster spit on my face. And then Curtis fell over laughing as I drowned in embarrassment and bits of grass and pukey llama loogie.


On another note, one of the positives of always getting up early has been the breathtaking sunrises we've seen. We pulled the bus over one morning as six o'clock slowly gave way to seven, and experienced this:

But the most beautiful sunrise yet, was watching the changing colors of the famous Uluru. Expect a full and detailed blog post with about a billion more photos later on, but for now, a teaser:

Alrighty, my creaky single bed in my 8 bed hostel room is calling my name. Time for sleep!

Lots of love, and more updates coming soon. And by soon I mean whenever I next get internet... which could be never. But no matter, I don't think I have ever been happier.

the traveling stahr...


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