Play on, Playa
>> Sunday, June 6, 2010 –
Photography Contests
When you live with a guitar player, every day is filled with music. We play music, sing to music, and talk about music. We share music; we analyze, scrutinize and soak in music.
And on Mondays and Thursdays, we drink to music. Mostly good music—especially when James takes his turn on stage—but there are the occasional embarrassingly terrible performances thrown in for good luck. Because what would Open Mic Nights be without the lovely… variety?
This musician is one of the good ’uns:
He plays most of his own songs, and has this sweet, quiet demeanor that makes his talent all the more remarkable.
The I Heart Faces challenge of the week is “Play,” and I immediately thought of music, and how immersed I have been in the vibrant music scene since settling here four months ago. I sure will miss the everyday melodies of Melbourne when we move northward...
The I Heart Faces challenge of the week is “Play,” and I immediately thought of music, and how immersed I have been in the vibrant music scene since settling here four months ago. I sure will miss the everyday melodies of Melbourne when we move northward...
Love always,
the traveling stahr...
P.S. Have I made an irrevocable mistake? How much longer can I endure this toxic working environment? Stay tuned for Day 24 of the epic journey Tales from “Down Under” the Table.

Wow! I love that picture Lauren and I LOVE that processing. It all works perfectly together. Very, very beautiful!
Oh WOW!!! I will be very disappointed if this doesn't make it in the Top 10 this week.
Oh Rebekah, thank you so much!! That means a lot.