Upcoming Tidbits, and a Midnight Adventure

So there are some things I need to tell you... like how Curtis built a giant soccer ball that a SocceRoos (worst team name ever) fanatic is currently living in for the next month, or how I finally managed to quit (I use that term loosely) my soul-sucking job at the restaurant, or how we have travel plans--big, exciting travel plans--coming up just around the corner.

But those stories will have to wait. Because after waking up at 2:30am and taking the night bus into the city to join thousands of soccer fans to watch the SocceRoos (really? come on guys...) get trampled by the Germans (so sad), I am going back to bed (at the ripe hour of 8:30am).

In the meantime, look at all the people who are as crazy (and by now sleep-deprived) as Curtis, James and I!

the traveling stahr...

April –   – (June 14, 2010 at 4:05 PM)  

these pics are crazy!! xox

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